
Although the built-in image model, along with the image processing views demonstrated in the demo, might have met the basic needs for some apps, advance users might require more features in terms of image storage, permission control, template inheritance, and Image model (fields) customization.

Before that, we need to address how this app is working.

Image model and views

Until now, Django didn’t supply any type of Field which can store unknown length of images or files. However, the introduction of JsonField (in Django 3) made it possible workaround the issue by storing the pks of image model instances as a Json list in a customized JsonField. That’s the galleryfield.fields.GalleryField.

To facilitate the access of image model instances, we need to map the pks to the actual image model instances. So, we introduced an optional string param target_model, the app_label.model_name of the image model, defaults to garlleryfield.BuiltInGalleryImage.

Following that, there should be three basic views to handle image model instances: Create (the upload operation), List (the fetch operation) and Update (the crop operation).

The next problem is, when customizing, image models varies because they can have more fields besides an ImageField and an User field, e.g., a DatetimeField to store the upload time of the image. And, we will never being able to know how other developers will name those fields. Inevitably, developers will have to write those 3 views for their target_models. Moreover, the widget should be able to know where to find those views, i.e., it need to know the URLs of those views.

To solve the problems, We finally introduced a class-based views for each operation, and specified a naming rule for the URL names of the 3 views for a target_model.

Therefore, a model level customization (for image model) involves:

A valid target image model

Image model is where we actually save the image uploaded. To be a valid target image model, it need to meet one of the following 2 requirements:

  1. It has a django.db.models.ImageField named image.

  2. It has a django.db.models.ImageField which not named image but the field can be accessed by a classmethod named get_image_field. For example, in an app named my_app, we can have the following valid target image model in

class MyImage(models.Model):
     photo = models.ImageField(
         upload_to="my_images", storage=default_storage, verbose_name=_("Image"))
     creator = models.ForeignKey(
             settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=False, blank=False,
                     verbose_name=_('Creator'), on_delete=models.CASCADE)
     creation_time = models.DateTimeField(default=now(), blank=False)

     def get_image_field(cls):
         return cls._meta.get_field("photo")


In the example above, when defining the get_image_field(), we can’t simply return because it returns a django.db.models.fields.files.ImageFieldFile object instead of a django.db.models.ImageField object.

The galleryfield.models.BuiltInGalleryImage is using the first style ( with target_model="garlleryfield.BuiltInGalleryImage"). However, if you don’t want to do much change to your existing models (e.g., avoiding migrations of existing model), the second style is more sounding.

In the following, we will use the above model in a galleryfield.fields.GalleryField with target_model = "my_app.MyImage".

Three views for handling the image model objects

Naming rule for urls of image handling views

Generally, the widget need to know the urls for image handling views (see GalleryWidget docs). We may specify the explicitly specify the URL names manually in the widget of gallery modelform fields. For example,

Alternatively, we can also let the widget infer what URLs it should use for those views, by following a naming rules for those views in URL_CONF.

For a valid image model, the default URL names for the image handling views are the lower cased app_label-model_name, suffixed by -upload, -fetch and -crop, respectively.

For example, if you have a target_model named my_app.MyImage, then the default URL names for the image handling views are my_app-myimage-upload, my_app-myimage-fetch and my_app-myimage-crop. In this way, you don’t need to specify in the GalleryWidget the param upload_url and fetch_url, and no need to specify the crop_url_name in each of the 3 class-based views.

Until now, we were talking about image model instance handling.

GalleryField rendering customization

Now we turn to the customization of gallery model. Back to the demo, when dealing with the gallery model instance, there isn’t much magic about demo.views.GalleryCreateView and demo.views.GalleryUpdateView. Here, we need to address demo.views.GalleryDetailView, on how it rendering the galleryfield.fields.GalleryField.

With my_app.MyImage in previous example as the target_model, we can have a gallery model named MyGallery:

class MyGallery(models.Model):
     album = GalleryField(target_model="my_app.MyImage", verbose_name=_('My photos'))
     owner = models.ForeignKey(
             settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=False, blank=False,
                     verbose_name=_('Owner'), on_delete=models.CASCADE)

By subclassing django.views.generic.detail.DetailView, we can have a gallery detail view like:

 from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView
 from my_app.models import MyGallery

 class MyGalleryDetailView(DetailView):
     model = MyGallery

Then we add a template file named mygallery_detail.html to folder my_app/templates/my_app/, with the following code block:

 {% extends 'base.html' %}
 {% load static %}


 {% for obj in object.album.objects.all %}
     <img src="{{}}">
 {% endfor %}


And add the URL of the view:

 from my_apps import views

 urlpatterns = [
          views.MyGalleryDetailView.as_view(), name='my_gallery-detail'),

Then we can navigate to see the images in a specific gallery.

As you might guess from the first line in the template snippet, the GalleryField provide a Queryset API for the image model instances it related to. No wonder, you can do the following:

>>> first_gallery = MyGallery.objects.first()
>>> photos_in_first_gallery = first_gallery.album.objects.all()
>>> photos_before_2021 = photos_in_first_gallery.filter(creation_time__lt=datetime(2021, 01, 01))

More over, the demo provide an example of how to render the field using sorl.thumbnail and Blueimp Gallery package.

Finally, it’s your opportunity to show your skills on customizing the gallery/album frontend, which is beyond the scope of this package.

Template customization