Source code for galleryfield.fields

from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ValidationError
from django.core.validators import BaseValidator
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Case, IntegerField, Value, When
from django.db.models.query_utils import DeferredAttribute
from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ngettext_lazy

from galleryfield import conf
from galleryfield import defaults as _defaults
from galleryfield.utils import apps, get_or_check_image_field, logger
from galleryfield.widgets import GalleryWidget

class MaxNumberOfImageValidator(BaseValidator):
    message = ngettext_lazy(
        'Number of images exceeded, only %(limit_value)d allowed',
        'Number of images exceeded, only %(limit_value)d allowed',
    code = 'max_number_of_images'

    def compare(self, a, b):
        return a > b

    def clean(self, x):
        return len(x)

class GalleryDescriptor(DeferredAttribute):
    A collections of pks of image model instances

    # Used django.db.models.fields.files.FileDescriptor as an example.

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        instance.__dict__[self.field.attname] = value

    def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
        image_list = super().__get__(instance, cls)

        if not isinstance(image_list, GalleryImages):
            attr = self.field.attr_class(instance, self.field, image_list)
            instance.__dict__[] = attr

        return instance.__dict__[]

[docs]class GalleryImages(list): def __init__(self, instance, field, field_value): # When field_value is None, # (This happens when the GalleryField was saved as null) field_value = field_value or [] super().__init__(field_value) self._field = field self.instance = instance self._value = field_value or [] @property def objects(self): model = apps.get_model(self._field.target_model) # Preserving the order of image using id__in=pks # cases = [When(id=x, then=Value(i)) for i, x in enumerate(self._value)] case = Case(*cases, output_field=IntegerField()) filter_kwargs = {"id__in": self._value} queryset = model.objects.filter(**filter_kwargs) queryset = queryset.annotate(_order=case).order_by('_order') return queryset
[docs]class GalleryField(models.JSONField): """This is a model field which saves the id of images. :param target_model: A string in the form of ``"app_label.model_name"``, which can be loaded by :meth:`django.apps.get_model` (see `Django docs <>`_), defaults to `None`. If `None`, :class:`galleryfield.BuiltInGalleryImage` will be used. If set, it should be :ref:`a valid image model <customize-valid-image-model>`. :type target_model: str, optional. """ # noqa attr_class = GalleryImages descriptor_class = GalleryDescriptor description = "A collections pks of Image" def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, private_only=False): super().contribute_to_class(cls, name, private_only) setattr(cls, self.attname, self.descriptor_class(self)) def __init__(self, target_model=None, *args, **kwargs): self._init_target_model = self.target_model = target_model if target_model is None: self.target_model = _defaults.DEFAULT_TARGET_IMAGE_MODEL self.target_model_image_field = ( self._get_image_field_or_test(is_checking=False)) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_image_field_or_test(self, is_checking=False): return get_or_check_image_field( obj=self, target_model=self._init_target_model, check_id_prefix="gallery_field", is_checking=is_checking) def check(self, **kwargs): errors = super().check(**kwargs) errors.extend(self._check_target_model()) return errors def _check_target_model(self): return self._get_image_field_or_test(is_checking=True) def deconstruct(self): name, path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() kwargs['target_model'] = self.target_model return name, path, args, kwargs def formfield(self, **kwargs): defaults = ({ "required": True, # The following 2 params will be passed to GalleryWidget # to check if there're potential conflicts between # target_model and upload_url and fetch_url. # see GalleryWidget.set_and_check_urls() "target_model": self.target_model, "model_field": self.__class__.__name__ }) defaults.update(kwargs) formfield = super().formfield(**{ 'form_class': GalleryFormField, **defaults, }) return formfield
[docs]class GalleryFormField(forms.JSONField): """The default formfield for :class:`galleryfield.fields.GalleryField`. :param max_number_of_images: Max allowed number of images, defaults to `None`, which means unlimited. :type max_number_of_images: int, optional. :param kwargs: Besides the options from parent class, the following were added: * target_model: str, a valid target image model which can be loaded by ``apps.get_model``. When this field is used in the model form, it is auto configured by the model instance. However, if this field is used as a non-model form field, when not specified, it will use the built-in default target image model ``galleryfield.BuiltInGalleryImage``. * widget: if not specified, defaults to ``GalleryWidget`` with default values. .. note:: If `target_model` not specified when initializing, an info will be logged to the stdout, which can be turned off by adding ``gallery_form_field.I001`` in ``settings.SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS``. """ default_error_messages = { 'required': _("The submitted file is empty."), 'invalid': _("The submitted images are invalid."), } def __init__(self, max_number_of_images=None, **kwargs): # The following 2 are used to validate GalleryWidget params # see GalleryWidget.defaults_checks() self._image_model = kwargs.pop("target_model", None) image_model_not_configured = False if self._image_model is None: # This happens when the formfield is used in a Non-model form image_model_not_configured = True self._image_model = _defaults.DEFAULT_TARGET_IMAGE_MODEL # Make sure the model is valid target image model if (self._image_model != _defaults.DEFAULT_TARGET_IMAGE_MODEL or image_model_not_configured): errors = get_or_check_image_field( obj=self, target_model=( None if image_model_not_configured else self._image_model), check_id_prefix="gallery_form_field", is_checking=True) for error in errors: if error.is_serious(): raise ImproperlyConfigured(str(error)) else: if error.is_silenced(): continue # This is used for widget to identify which object the widget is servicing. # That information will be used when raising errors. self._widget_is_servicing = ( kwargs.pop("model_field", None) or self.__class__.__name__) self._max_number_of_images = max_number_of_images super().__init__(**kwargs) _widget = GalleryWidget @property def widget(self): return self._widget @widget.setter def widget(self, value): # Property and setter are used to make sure the attributes will # be passed to new widget instance when the widget instance # is changed. setattr(value, "max_number_of_images", self.max_number_of_images) setattr(value, "image_model", self._image_model) setattr(value, "widget_is_servicing", self._widget_is_servicing) # Re-initialize the widget value.is_localized = bool(self.localize) value.is_required = self.required extra_attrs = self.widget_attrs(value) or {} value.attrs.update(extra_attrs) self._widget = value if not isinstance(self.widget, GalleryWidget): return # We set the upload_url and fetch_url # when the widget didn't specify them. self._set_widget_upload_url() self._set_widget_fetch_url() @property def _target_app_model_name(self): return "-".join(self._image_model.split(".")).lower() def _set_widget_upload_url(self): if self.widget.upload_url: return # Here we required a target_model should have a upload_url # name in url_conf in the form of app_label_model_name-upload # in lower case self.widget.upload_url = ( "%s-upload" % self._target_app_model_name.lower()) def _set_widget_fetch_url(self): if self.widget.disable_fetch or self.widget.fetch_url: return # Here we required a target_model should have a fetch_url # name in url_conf in the form of app_label-model_name-fetch # in lower case self.widget.fetch_url = ( "%s-fetch" % self._target_app_model_name.lower()) @property def max_number_of_images(self): return self._max_number_of_images @max_number_of_images.setter def max_number_of_images(self, value): if value is not None: if not str(value).isdigit(): raise TypeError( "'max_number_of_images' expects a positive integer, " "got %s." % str(value)) value = int(value) self._max_number_of_images = value self._widget.max_number_of_images = value if value: self.validators.append( MaxNumberOfImageValidator(int(value))) def widget_attrs(self, widget): # If BootStrap is loaded, "hiddeninput" is added by BootStrap. # However, we need that css class to check changes of the form, # so we added it manually. return { "class": " ".join( [conf.FILES_FIELD_CLASS_NAME, "hiddeninput"]) } def to_python(self, value): converted = super().to_python(value) if converted in self.empty_values: return converted # Make sure the json is a list of pks if not isinstance(converted, list): raise ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={'value': converted}, ) for _pk in converted: if not str(_pk).isdigit(): raise ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={'value': converted}, ) # Make sure all pks exists image_model = apps.get_model(self._image_model) if (image_model.objects.filter( pk__in=list(map(int, converted))).count() != len(converted)): converted_copy = converted[:] converted = [] for pk in converted_copy: if image_model.objects.filter(pk=pk).count(): converted.append(pk) return converted