Image handling views

Base image handling Views

If not disabled, each image model need to have 3 views for uploading, fetching and cropping. User should subclass the following Class-based image handling base views for your custom image models.

class galleryfield.image_views.ImageCreateView(**kwargs)[source]

The Class-based view handling the saving of uploaded image.


When not set, defaults to garllery_widget.BuiltInGalleryImage


When disable_server_side_crop is False, if None or an invalid URL name will raise an ImproperlyConfigured error.


Defaults to False


User should provide this method to save the object which will be used in form_valid method. Typically, self.object is expected to be saved here with the-save-method.

See galleryfield.image_views.BuiltInImageCreateView for example.

class galleryfield.image_views.ImageListView(**kwargs)[source]

The Class-based view for fetching the existing images of the gallery instance.


When not set, defaults to garllery_widget.BuiltInGalleryImage


When disable_server_side_crop is False, if None or an invalid URL name will raise an ImproperlyConfigured error.


Defaults to False


User need to override this method to do some basic filter in terms of who can see which images.


A Queryset

class galleryfield.image_views.ImageCropView(**kwargs)[source]

The Class-based view handling server side cropping of an image model instance. Note that a new image model instance will be created rather than updating the cropped instance.


When not set, defaults to garllery_widget.BuiltInGalleryImage


When disable_server_side_crop is False, if None or an invalid URL name will raise an ImproperlyConfigured error.


Defaults to False


User should provide this method to save the object which will be used in form_valid method. Typically, self.object is expected to be saved here with the-save-method.

See galleryfield.image_views.BuiltInImageCropView for example.

Note that beside the id (pk) and image field, all other field values of the saved cropped instance will be the same with the original instance. You need to set those values before calling method.